Project title: Restoring Northwestern and Copperbelt Land and Ecosystems in Zambia

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Restoring Northwestern and Copperbelt Land and Ecosystems in Zambia

In a transformed Zambia, the Northwestern and Copperbelt regions thrive as vibrant ecosystems where deforestation is a distant memory, and biodiversity flourishes. The once-degraded landscapes now boast lush Miombo woodlands, supporting a resilient and prosperous rural economy. Communities, empowered with sustainable practices and technologies, enjoy enhanced livelihoods, reduced reliance on natural resources, and improved food security. The air is cleaner, and the climate more stable, as carbon emissions have significantly decreased. Zambia stands as a beacon of sustainable development, with robust monitoring systems ensuring the continued health of its forests and ecosystems. The collaborative efforts of government, local communities, and international partners have created a harmonious balance between economic growth and environmental stewardship, fostering a future where people and nature coexist in harmony.

Jan 26, 2025

Policy document

Original document